Monday, May 21, 2012

Nutella Wonton Hearts & Rolls

Wonton wrappers + Nutella = oh, what a wonderful crunchy bite. Even though I`m Asian, I have never made eggrolls personally in my life. Well, Vietnamese eggrolls. Apparently eggrolls are two completely different things in Vietnam and in China. In China, Vietnamese eggrolls are called spring rolls. In the Vietnamese culture, eggrolls use wonton wrappers. While Chinese eggrolls is a whole other thing. Uh--what?

Even though I`m terrible at storytelling, I need to tell you this story. It`s kind of funny. I had an ethnicity crisis. Yep. Not identity. But, ethnicity. crisis. My parents are immigrants from Vietnam and they speak Vietnamese fluently at home, to each other, and to me. Naturally, I wrote on those state standardize tests that I was Vietnamese. One day, my mom told my sisters and I that our grandfather (my mom's dad) was a popular Chinese doctor back in Vietnam. Wait, say what?  Chinese doctor? However, it never clicked in my head. I shrugged it off and said "cool".

The another random day, my mom told us that our grandmother was born in China and immigrated from China to Vietnam. Oh, okay so we`re half Viet and half Chinese. Cool.

Freshman year in college:
Friend: "What kind of Asian are you? I'm Vietnamese and Chinese."
Me: "NO WAY?! I`m Vietnamese and Chinese too!!!"
Friend: "Really? That's so cool. How so? Which parent is what?"
Me: "Oh, my mom is Chinese and my dad is Vietnamese. But, my dad speaks Cantonese and Mandarin fluently. Wait. I`m confused...I think I`m 1/4 Chinese? Wait, why does my father know Chinese fluently but not my mother?"
Friend: "Uhh..."
*Awkward moment*

Feeling embarrassed for not knowing my own ethnicity, one weekend I went home and asked my parents. So, apparently both sides of my grandparents are Chinese. They moved to Vietnam and raised my both my parents there, which explains why my parents are fluent in Vietnamese. (Although, my parents did not know each other when they each lived in Vietnam.) My dad and his siblings learned Chinese fluently by learning on their own. NOW, everything was cleared. Silly me, it didn`t even occur to me that whenever I visited my dad`s family that they all spoke Cantonese. Wow, talk about slow child.

There`s my story of how I went from believing I was Vietnamese, to half Vietnamese-half Chinese, to completely Chinese! Identity crisis, over.

I always thought eggrolls were the same throughout the world. That was until I met my boyfriend and he told me what I was eating were spring rolls, when I was eating eggrolls. (Oh boy, another crisis.)

But uh, no dude, I know what spring rolls are and THESE are not it. You dip spring rolls in peanut sauce. These you don`t have to, so uh, you`re wrong.

After googling and some 30 minutes was revealed to me the difference. However, occasionally I do see a recipe name for Chinese eggrolls that look just like Vietnamese eggrolls. Confused? Me too, buddy.

So yeah, wonton wrappers. Slap some nutella in between two pieces and fry in oil. YUM. It was unique tasting in a good way. I really enjoyed these. My sister thought it was odd, but tasty. My mom told me to throw them away since I fried them and they`re bad for my health. Moms.

Recipe at Recipegirl: Nutella Heart Ravioli



  1. Oh wow...I can't even imagine thinking I'm one ethnicity for all my life and then finding out - NOPE! Hmm.

    Oh nutella, you make everything delicious.

    1. I was definitely mindblown! But since I was exposed to both cultures through the food and language, it wasn't too bad.

      And yes, nutella does make everything yummy!

  2. My mom tells me not to fry food, too - what does she know? Nothin'.

  3. Good lord baby Jesus! This is ah-mazing.

  4. I loved your story and I loved this treats!!! Hahaha

