Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Meyer Lemon Pudding Cake

So, I recently discovered what meyer lemons were this year. ( D: I know, right?!) At least I did! Anyways, I wanted to make something with them since I absolutely LOVE lemons. I browsed through so many recipes looking for one with ingredients I already had on hand.

Let me tell you, it was TOUGH. I could not decide for days. Literally. I ended up deciding to make this Meyer Lemon Pudding Cake that I saw over at Two Peas and Their Pod. And I do not regret it. It was very yummy. I actually put it in the fridge and thought it tasted better when it was cold. But, I`m weird. I also love ice cream. Maybe, I just like eating cold things. You might like it otherwise. :)

I thought the cake tasted great, even if it wasn`t drop dead delicious in my opinion, I would still eat it again. I do want to make a disclaimer that I do not often like to eat cake. (yeah, I can totally imagine your disgust at me right now, cake lovers) However, I DO appreciate cakes that are delicious. Even though I might not like eating cupcakes, I do love Sprinkle`s salty caramel cupcake. I guess you can say I`m picky. Kind of.

IN CONCLUSION, if I think this cake is good, cake lovers will probably love it! You could totally use regular lemons, since meyer lemons are out of season now.

I followed the recipe exactly. My ramekins were 8oz ramekins and I was able to make about 4 servings.
Maria (from Two Peas in Their Pod) got the recipe from here: Travelers' Lunchbox

Servings: 4 - (8oz) Ramekins
Level: Intermediate
Total Time: ~1hr 30 minutes


  1. Oh boy! These look delicious! I discovered meyer lemons this year too and have had fun using them for recipes. I've bookmarked this for next year!

    1. I love them! I really wish i discovered them sooner! & Thank you for visiting!

  2. Your blog is so adorablle and cute - as are your delicious nrecipes judging from the pics :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  3. These little pudding cakes are too cute! I just discovered meyer lemons recently too :) and they are fantastic! I keep looking for any excuse to use them! And by the way, your blog is ADORABLE! I am obsessed with your design! (and your recipes! :) )

    1. thank you! I love finding excuses to use anything lemon related! And THANK YOU. I was obsessed with your blog when I stumbled upon it!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm happy I discovered yours. It's so beautiful! And this pudding looks absolutely divine!

