Monday, December 30, 2013

10 Most Popular Recipes of 2013

Woot! Two more days and it`s 2014!!! A few years ago, I had absolutely no clue how this year would end. A lot of milestones occurred this year and while some was expected, some where not. For example, I knew my undergraduate years were over after my graduation this June. But, I didn`t expect to buy my own domain for this little blog of mine.

I am very happy I started Hearts In My Oven. It has taught me SO much, you wouldn`t have even imagined! :) I`ve been introduced to other amazing bloggers and now my blogroll seems infinite, because I can never seem to catch up with all of them!!

Honestly, I haven`t been able to post as often as I would have liked this year, but I`m still proud of the recipes and posts I did manage to post. Haha. But, at the same time I`m more confident in the kitchen now, which has led to many crazy recipe ideas and experiments. I`m not just simply baking a recipe and talking about them. But, I`m adapting, adding, and experimenting with the recipes I find! I couldn`t be happier!! :)

I just wanted to end the year with two recipe compilation. This first one is of the 10 most VIEWED recipes on the blog. Just in case you`ve missed something! ;) Trust me, these recipes were most viewed for a reason. Hopefully, something new will catch your eye.

If you would like to see last years compilation: Top 10 Most Popular of 2012 & My Top 10 Favorite Recipes of 2012.

So, here are the top 10 most popular recipes for this year:

10. Chocolate Pudding Pie - It`s a pie made of chocolate pudding! A chocolate lover`s dream. My youngest sister can definitely attest to that.

9. My Favorite Brownies - Ugh, this brownie was simple INCREDIBLE. I had a brownie baking addiction one month and posted 4 brownies, week after week. This was my ultimate favorite out of all the brownies I`ve ever made!

8. Caramel Cheesecake Apple Blondies - I created this for Cookie and Cups & Confessions Of A Cookbook Queen`s creative recipe contest a few months back. I won THIRD!!! Can you believe it??? They were simply DELICIOUS and super addicting.

7. Quick Cinnamon Rolls - This was a popular favorite from last year too! I always make this when I need an incredibly quick and yummy treat!

6. Frozen Chocolate Covered Bananas - It may be December, but these frozen treats are still addicting all year around!

5. Buttermilk Brownies - The buttermilk in these brownies definitely make them stand out. They taste almost like a chocolate cake! Plus, that chocolate`s a chocolate dream.

4. Molten Lava Cakes -

3. Apple Crisp Muffins - Another reoccurring favorite from last year. Although, the cream cheese topping doesn`t seem to fit the "crisp" in its name...the apple muffin was great!

2. Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting - This was my first attempt at making cinnamon rolls at home and it was a complete success! It`s hard to beat a warm, big, and cinnamony bun, straight out of your oven!

1. Amazing Brownies - THIS. Wow, this recipe was getting crazy hits!! But, it deserves it, since they really were amazing. :D

Hope you liked this round-up! Check back for the list of MY very own favorites of 2013! You definitely can`t miss that.