Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie with Ganache

How are the days just flying by?! Is Thanksgiving really in TWO weeks? How is it nearing the end of 2013 already? I`m seriously surprised at how fast this year has gone by. Time flies when you`re having fun, I guess? Haha.

Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, it`s only fitting to share this incredible pumpkin dessert with you all. And, I do mean, incredible, incredible. It`s so good, I had to use the word twice!

You know I`m all about baking for the people in my life, so when I found out my cousins from Arizona was visiting me to celebrate their birthdays, I knew I had to bake them something. I`ve been really busy lately, so I knew I wouldn`t have the time to bake and decorate a layered cake or anything too time consuming. But, this was their birthdays and it had to be special!

One of my cousin, T, oh boy...pumpkin cheesecake was her thing. She was the one who actually introduced me to pumpkin cheesecake because I was appalled when she told me she disliked pumpkin pie. Honestly, I still am! But, she quickly added a disclaimer saying pumpkin cheesecake was her type of dessert, instead. I love both desserts, so I wouldn`t complain about either option. :P

Pumpkin pie may be the traditional pumpkin dessert you eat during Thanksgiving, but this cheesecake pie can definitely be a fitting substitute. Heck, make it an addition! You can have a pumpkin pie and a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert!

Everyone who tried this cheesecake told me it was amazing. They said it tasted and looked as if I bought it from a restaurant! I may have eaten more slices than I wanted, but I just couldn`t say no to this cheesecake. I totally had more than seconds.

You don`t have to make the ganache or whipped cream, but I wanted to fancy it up since it was their birthdays. I dusted the tops with some cocoa powder as well. :) Another great thing about this pumpkin dessert is the fact that you can make it ahead of time. Just don`t add the sprinkles/jimmies/pearls until the day you plan on serving the pie (the colors might bleed into the whipped cream).

If you want other pumpkin desserts similar to a pumpkin pie, check out this honey apple butter pumpkin pie and bourbon pumpkin tart! I made them both last year and they are EXCELLENT alternatives to the traditional pumpkin pie. I loved both recipes, especially that bourbon pumpkin tart! Yumm.


I don`t usually talk about world news or current events on here...however, the storm in the Philippines was terrible. I feel for them and know they`ll be able to recover from this. They`ll need help though, so please, find it in your hearts to help any way you can~ Events like these often remind people to be grateful for everything they have, whether it`s big or small. The upcoming holidays are excellent opportunities for you to take advantage of them and show the people in your life they matter to you. So, don`t waste the opportunity and keep spreading the love, whether it`s by making their favorite foods or giving them a hug. ♥

Pumpkin Cheesecake  with Ganache
Adapted: AllRecipes | Yields: 1- 9inch pie/8-10 servings| Level: Medium | Total Time: ~2 hours + 4 hours chilling time | Print 

Graham Cracker Crust:
§  1 ½ cup graham cracker crumbs
§  3 tablespoons granulated sugar
§  4 tablespoon butter, melted
Pumpkin Cheesecake Filling:
§  2 blocks (8oz each) cream cheese, softened
§  ½ cup granulated sugar
§  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
§  2 large eggs
§  ¾ cup pumpkin puree
§  1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
§  ½ cup chocolate chips
§  ¼ cup heavy cream
Whipped Cream:
§  ½ cup heavy cream
§  1 tablespoon granulated sugar
§  Sprinkles/jimmies/pearls (Optional)
Materials Needed:
-          1 9inch nonstick pie pan
-          parchment paper
-          cooking spray
-          1 small-medium mixing bowl
-          2 large bowls w/ electric mixer
-          2 rubber spatula
-          1 small saucepan
-          1 whisk
-          1 tall class
-          1 piping bag + desired tip
-          1 baking sheet

Graham Cracker Crust:
1.       Preheat oven to 325°F.
2.       Line the bottom of your 9 inch pie pan with parchment paper and spray sides with cooking spray. Set aside.
3.       In a small-medium bowl, whisk together crumbs and sugar.
4.       Add in the melted butter and toss crumbs around until evenly coated/distributed.
5.       Press crumbs to the bottom and up the sides of prepared pie pan.
6.       Bake in oven for 5 minutes.
7.       Remove from oven and set aside to cool on cooling rack.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Filling:
8.       In a large bowl with electric mixer (paddle attachment), beat the cream cheese until smooth (to make sure your cream cheese is softened and there are no lumps).
9.       Beat in sugar and vanilla extract until smooth.
10.   Add in eggs, one at a time, beating in between each addition.
11.   Mix in the pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice until combined.
12.   Pour filling over baked crust.
13.   Bake on a baking sheet for 45-50 minutes, or until set, middle should still jiggle slightly if gently shaken.
14.   Turn off heat, crack oven door open slightly and leave cheesecake in there for 30-60 more minutes.
15.   Allow to cool on cooling rack for another 30 minutes. Then, cover with plastic wrap and let cheesecake chill completely (at least 4 hours, up to 48 hours) in fridge.
16.   In a small saucepan heat the heavy cream on medium heat until warm.
17.   Add chocolate chips.
18.   Whisk occasionally until chocolate melts and everything is combined.
19.   Spread ganache over chilled pie.
Whipped Cream:
20.   In a bowl with electric mixer (whip attachment), whip cream on medium speed for a bit.
21.   Add sugar and whip until stiff peaks form.
22.   Transfer to a piping bag and pipe alongside the crust and in the middle.
23.   Sprinkle with cocoa powder/chocolate drizzle.

-          I made my crumbs using graham crackers and crushed them in a food processor/blender (about 1 ½ packs, in a box with 3 packages of Honey Maid crackers)

-          Pie can be made 2 days before serving.