Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spiced Pear Muffins

If you live in the US and celebrate Thanksgiving, I`m sure you`re all thinking about the amazing foods next week! I may not know how to brine, stuff, and roast a turkey, but I know how to make baked treats! Like, these pear muffins.
I realized I never bake with pear, so I changed that when we had a bunch of Asian pears laying around.

Do you know what you`re having for breakfast on Thanksgiving? No? Okay, perfect, because then you can make these for yourself, family, or friends. Muffins are quick, easy, and wonderful. They`re so easy to throw together, they`ll be in and out of your oven within the hour. Now, isn`t that just wonderful? :P

With all the great Thanksgiving food`s very hard to resist all the yumminess going around. No fear, these muffins are less than 200 calories each. Your kitchen will smell like Fall when these muffins come out.
You can definitely reduce or add spices, depending on your preferences, as well. Personally, cinnamon is my favorite spice in the world, so that was definitely mixed in!

I`m keeping this post short, but don`t worry! I have one crazy-over-the-top-deliciously-incredible recipe coming up for you. DO NOT MISS IT!! I can barely keep my eyes open, right now, so bare with me. Haha.

Spiced Pear Muffins
Adapted: Babble | Yields:12 muffins | Level: Easy | Total Time: 1 hour | Print

§  1 ½ cups all purpose flour
§  1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
§  ½ teaspoon baking soda
§  ½  teaspoon ground cinnamon
§  1/8  teaspoon ground nutmeg
§  1/4 teaspoon salt
§  ½ cup brown sugar, packed
§  4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
§  2 large eggs
§  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
§  1 small pear, diced/or grated
Materials Needed:
-          1 muffin pan
-          muffin liners
-          1 large/medium bowl
-          1 medium bowl
-          2 whisks
-          1 rubber spatula
-          cookie scoop (optional)

1.        Preheat oven to 400°F. Grease muffin pan.
2.       In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
3.       In a medium bowl, mix together brown sugar, butter, eggs, and vanilla extract.
4.       Add wet ingredients to the dry until barely just combined.
5.       Fold in pear until just combined.
6.       Using a cookie scoop, divide batter among muffin cups.
7.       Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden.

8.       Let muffins cool in pan for 5 minutes, before removing to cool completely on cooling rack. 