Sunday, December 1, 2013

Acai Banana Peanut Butter Bowl

How was everyone`s Thanksgiving holiday? Are we all stuffed? I was and still am! I`m so proud of myself because I was able to contribute 7 side dishes for my family`s Thanksgiving dinner this year!! This may not seem big to you, however, I`m not much of a cook, so I`m happy everything turned out well!

I thought this would be a great after-Thanksgiving recipe since we were stuffing ourselves silly the past few days. I`m not sure how popular these acai fruit bowls are you live, but they`re pretty darn popular were I am. Plus, they`re considered "healthy" by our current cultural trend (I`m still unsure of all it`s magical properties).

These acai bowls are basically various fruits and/vegetables blended together using frozen acai, which is this trendy "superfood". With all of these fruits, it`s bound to taste great. Plus, these are so simple to make. Personally, they`re almost like fruit smoothies, but thicker and you eat them with lots and lots of granola. (which I`m obsessed with).

Many juice/smoothie shops would sell these bowls for about $6-7 a pop! They were so good, I don`t mind eating them every once in awhile. When I discovered how it can easily be made at home, I was thrilled! I found out my local Whole Foods sold these 100% pure acai frozen packs. They`re a bit pricey, but they`re still cheaper to make at home. :)

I`m also going to share with you a tip I learned. Freezing bananas! My parents didn`t believe me when I told them you can freeze bananas to use them up later. It`s really simple. All you have to do is freeze banana slices. First, you cut them into slices and flash freeze them in your freezer until they`re frozen. Then, transfer them into a sealed ziplock bag. Now, whenever I need bananas in a recipe or smoothie, they`re ready for me! How convenient, right?

These bowls are filling, at least for me, so I`ve definitely made these for those light lunch days. Which, I feel, is much needed, after all that heavy, Thanksgiving food! This recipe is a guideline for 1 serving and it`s really easy to adjust the recipe according to the number of bowls you want to make.

I meant to share this recipe the day after Thanksgiving....but, both my sisters came back from school for the weekend and my productivity died. I`m sneaking in a post at 3am!

Acai Banana Peanut Butter Bowls
Adapted: Yummy Mummy Kitchen | Yields: 1 small serving| Level: Easy | Total Time: 20 minutes | Print 


§  1- 3.5oz package frozen pure acai
§  ½ cups frozen berries
§  1 ½ banana, sliced, divided 1 + ½
§  ¼ cup yogurt
§  drizzle of agave nectar
§  1-2 tablespoons peanut butter
§  1 cup granola
Materials Needed:
-          1 small bowl
-          1 cutting board
-          1 knife
-          1 blender

1.       In a blender, mix together the acai, berries, 1 banana, yogurt, agave nectar, and peanut butter until smooth and combined. Scoop half into a bowl.
2.       Layer with half the granola.
3.       Top with the rest of the acai mixture.
4.       Top with granola and ½ of banana slices.

-          Best served immediately.
You can easily double, triple, etc the recipe!
