Monday, July 22, 2013

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream #3

Another cookies and cream ice cream recipe? Well, sort of. I have posted about two cookies and cream ice cream recipes because it`s simply one of my ultimate, favorite flavors, so I try different recipes to compare them. Nothing wrong with doing a bit of research, right?

I know July is National Ice Cream Month and I have been fully celebrating it by eating plenty of ice cream. Have you? Anyway, I discovered, belatedly, that today was National Ice Cream Day! I decided to make this quick post to introduce you to another wonderfully, delicious, cookies and cream ice cream recipe. :)

Your taste buds will definitely thank me, trust me. The recipe pictured above is a wonderful recipe from Annie Eats. Do check it out!

To celebrate July being National Ice Cream Month, I decided to compile a list of ice cream from the blog. So, make some ice cream and enjoy the delicious summer treat!

Coffee Toffee Ice Cream:

Cookies and Cream/Oreo Ice Cream #1:

Cookies and Cream Ice Cream #2:

Green Tea/Matcha Ice Cream:

Milk Gelato:

Mint Chocolate Chip (David Lebovitz):

Mint Chocolate Chip (Mint Extract):

Strawberry Frozen Yogurt:

Berry Yogurt Pops:

and the recipe I just posted, Biscoff White Chocolate Chip:

There you go! I hope you find at least one ice cream recipe you want to try!

Whoops...I had planned this post for the 21st on Sunday...but it took me longer than I expected to write this post and now it`s almost 1am! Whoops!